Saturday, April 18, 2009

Deborah Ross

Welcome. I hope you feel comfortable here and will share your self portraits with the rest of us..... Even the ones you have thrown in the back of your closet or in your basement. I hope to see many submissions to this blog. Seeing each others' self portraits will be not only entertaining, but hopefully we can learn something from each other. All you have to do is email a sharp jpg with a title, size, medium and your name and blog or website address. If you'd like to give some background on the piece, that would be cool. Sorry, no photographs, no digital artwork. Only drawings and paintings.

If you recognize the painting below, you have seen it used as my avatar when I post comments on other artists' blogs. It's just part of the first self portrait I ever did, which was about two years ago. Well, that was the first painted sp. Really the first was a pencil drawing done in about 1972. I'll try to dig that up.

acrylics, collage
(just a detail)

Colored Pencils

I just finished this self portrait a few weeks ago. Now I've started another which will be a partner to this.


  1. What a great idea Deborah - I'll be featuring thisnew blog on my blog Making A Mark next Sunday.

    Now - how about some images for the feature! ;)

  2. this is a lovely idea for a blog. thank you for putting it together. i saw a part of the partner to this painting on you blog. looking forward to seeing them side by side.

  3. Nice work and hey this is a fun site thanks!
