Thursday, January 12, 2012

Stephen Southerland

Title: The Red Hat

29 x 39 cm

Acrylic on Canvas Paper

This painting was executed at the very end of December 2011. I did this to test out a combination of direct/indirect painting which I explain in some detail on my blog. I am currently journeying towards becoming a full time professional fine artist and teacher. I paint because I must. When I am painting my life makes more sense. 

My painting blog:

Title: Self Portrait 2012

11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas Panel

I painted this self portrait in 1 hour before I had to go to work. I was inspired by the words of an artist friend who once remarked on the lack of bright colors in most of my paintings.


Paul Gosselin

8x13 cm

This Self portrait is now in the Stadsmuseum 't Schippershof in Menen - Belgium where is live.
Come see and join my blog:Belgium Art  everyone is welcome !
Belgium Art My blog:
Art sites where you can see work of me:

Amberina Razvi

 Acrylic on canvas (2 panels - 30x60 cms each)
I did this one in an hour, my mind torn into two was done a frenzy.....I could never put them together aligned...proportionate....
I find it proportionate, unproportionate...
There's a battle we fight within us every day.....
Keep fighting...there will be peace someday.
Ambereena Razvi,
Free lance Artist and Muralist